Wednesday 13 February 2013

Last Call at the Oasis

Now that we have explored our water crisis and the information presented in the documentary Last Call at the Oasis, it's your turn to share your "take-aways"

1.) What new specific information did you learn from this documentary? What was shocking, scary or thought provoking?

2.) What are your predictions and suggestions for the future?

Remember: Write in full thoughts, with specific reasons and details. Sign your name. Edit since this is a public forum, and read your peers' ideas. Respond to each other's ideas thoughtfully.


  1. 1. A few shocking facts came up throughout the movie. Firstly, I hadn't known we still use the same water firebreathing dragons did a long time ago and that only 1% is drinking water which can only be reused not created.
    2. At our current water consumption rate we are definitly heading towards the point where we'll run out of water. This is very scary because that could mean destruction and war like there is for oil right now.
    Anu Aujla

    1. Yes, the fact that we're drinking "firebreathing dragons'" water is pretty astounding. Lets hope we can make changes small and big to preserve our precious resource

  2. 1. It was shocking that the holy river was so pulluted, and was gross and thought provoking learning that astronauts drink their toilet water. There was a lot of toxins in bottled water as well which was surprising because they advertise the water as clean and pure.

    2. My predictions for future are that countries will have war over water. I suggest the government should give everyone equal amounts of water and it should be limited.

    1. Wow, bold suggestion, government regulated water supply. It's what people around the world experience, and are forced to conserve. perhaps that's what it'll take for us too in water-rich North America.

  3. 1.) The most shocking fact that I learned about our worlds water crisis is that only 1% is drinkable water. That came as a shock to me because I haven't really been conserving water as well as others have back at home but from now on I most certainly will!

    2.) My predictions for our future is that this water crisis isn't going to go away but were just going to have to learn to live with it. We can make it so that its required to clean 100% of sewage water so that people will drink it.

    1. "If it's yellow, let t mellow." Yep, conservation's key, and you're right we're going to have to live with it, even if that means recycled water.

  4. The shocking part was that i had thought that the bottled water is cleaner than the tap water, and the price we pay is worth it. My prediction is that if we dont do something about it, there would be a war. I suggest that we accept the recyxled qater. Harjas

    1. I was shocked by the bottled water information too. But then again, we have to be critical of all the products that come to us because it's a private industry and money not morality rules

  5. In this documentary, the most frightening and thought-provoking moment for me was when they told us that bottled water can contain glass particles, cricket parts, and more. It made me realize that bottled water is a pointless use of water. Our country's tap water is cleaner and safer than bottled water, yet people still choose to drink bottled water thinking it's cleaner and tastes better.

    I believe the future depends on us. If we, as a world, unite together to take water conservation more seriously we may be able to save this world and our water. If we stand by and choose to do nothing about this issue, then we will face the day when wars over water occur and when we are dying of thirst. If we fight and protest to the government about this global issue, our results will be successful. Efficient ways to conserve water include: turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, drinking tap water and flushing the toilet only when absolutely necessary.

    - Parveen Virk

    1. You're right Parveen, when something needs to happen, it's usually through civil action, not government lead change. So it's up to us.

  6. 1. I think the most shocking part of it all is that this issue actually exist in our world right now. I would have never known that the problems happening around the world, like California where they're basically running out of water, was real. To me, that was the most eye opening part out of it all. The scary thing is thinking that maybe my own grandchildren could possibly have a shortage of fresh water unless we find a solution.

    2. I hope that people in the future and even right now realize how important this issue is before it's too late. Even little things like saving water at home can make a difference. But it can only happen if we ALL believe in making the difference. My suggestion is for more people to get educated about this topic because the more people that know, the more people that can help towards making a change for the better.

    1. As the documentary stated as well, awareness is critical. And Sabrina I agree, the immediacy of the issue is shocking.

  7. 1. I thought it was scary how the water we drink isn't as safe and clean as we thought it was. There is so much gross stuff found in lakes like birth control pills and condoms. I was shocked to find out that some lakes have so many chemicals in them that the gender of a frog and probably other amphibians changes when they are exposed to it.

    2. I predict that if the government doesn't take this issue more seriously and try to do something now about the problem, than in about 10 years there will be no clean drinking water for anyone. I also think that the US will run out of water before everyone else since they use so much of it for unnecessarily things and they don't have many restrictions on water use. Once they run out of water than they will start wars with other countries for their water and this will lead to bigger problems. Since there is only 1% clean drinking water available to the world, cities should really focus on recycling water. It's gross but if its the only solution than we should do it.

    1. Diljot, the fact that our water is so polluted with hormones that it can turn frogs living in it into hermaphrodites was truly appalling to me as well. When we think of pollution we think of chemicals, not the hormones that are leached into our water and not properly filtered/treated. It's amazing that even fetuses now have these hormones and chemicals in them before even taking a breath.

  8. For me the most shocking thing I learned from this documentary was how dirty the water that we drink is. I hadn't known that only 85 % of water is cleaned to be made for drinking.

    I think no one is going to care that our water supply is decreasing so much, but once it's almost gone everyone is going to start caring. My suggestions are that we start using our water more wisely now, so that we don't run out of it as fast.

  9. Yes, the standards for public drinking water are shocking. Those are American standards. We should find out if Canada's are better or worse.

  10. what stuck to me the most was when the man who was interviewed the most throughout the documentary simply just said, "...We're screwed."
    This makes me believe that if nobody decides to take action, this problem will never be able to fix itself. For example, when presenting the two different brands-one in german, the other as spring water-to the public in urban areas, they refused to drink recycled sewage water. This highlights how spoiled and unaware society is, refusing to consume a product because the prefer to rely on social status.

    As for the future, I predict that countries will want to prepare for the war for water due to the fact that learning to share and coorperate for water between other countries is not sufficient enough for many struggling families. sharing a resource as valuable as water in the future will gradually break society right before their eyes. this prediction of mine I too believe can be altered if the "Brita" brand and products would be sold world-wide-once the process of advertising expands in america-and generous donations from country to country would take part.

  11. 1. The information that shocked me the most was the part where they told us that factories are legaly allowed to leave 15% of waste in our clean water. Also, I found out there are lots of chemicals in the water bottles we drink in. A lot of people think that water from water bottles is cleaner and more pure, but in reality most of the water is from the tap.
    2. My prediction is that in the future we will have a very minimum supply of clean drinking water, we may not even have any in some parts of the world. I think that we should get the governnment involved to solve this problem. We should also conserve our clean water and stop polluting our lakes and rivers.
    -Harveen Sohi

  12. The most shocking part in the documentary was that less than 1% of the world's water is fresh, available and safe to use. I didn't understand how that is possible. It seemed unbelievable.
    I believe the world will come down to water wars and battles. if the world continues to waste water then there will be no water and no future. I think that the world will have to turn to recycled water in their time of need.

  13. 1. I learned that only one percent of the water on earth is drinkable and even though that does not seem like a lot it will do for the time being, unless people start to take advantage of it and waste it. I found many thing to be shocking but when i learned that some of the water in specific areas was contaminated with (glass, gasoline, crickets parts,etc), that really surprised me because water is something we drink on a regular basis and if it is contaminated with such harmful thing then those people are screwed. Another thing that was scary was that when the factories purify sewage water they are allowed to leave 15 pounds of waste (that is disgusting.)

    2. personally i predict that even thought we get disgusted by drink recycled sewage water we are going to have to just deal with it , its either that or die. So in the future people are definitely going to be drinking recycled sewage water. I suggest that people should use their water and electricity wisely because even if they dont think about it at the time all of that is limited

  14. Thoughtful attention to details ladies and gents. Claudia, your note that the scientist and activist who was formal and articulate throughout, and then in the end, with a sense of defeatism, said "we're screwed" truly shocked me too. If the specialist, the advocate for change who has devoted his life to this says such a bold statement means that perhaps we will see "society break apart" right before our eyes as you say.

    All of your predictions seem to lean towards recycled water as a necessity, and the unequal distribution of water growing even more.

  15. 1. I learned that only one percent of the water on earth is drinkable. I found many thing to be shocking, some of the water in specific areas was contaminated with glass, gasoline, crickets parts,etc. Another thing that was scary was that when the factories purify sewage water they are allowed to leave 15 pounds of waste and leave 85 pounds by law.

    2 i think we will be using recycled sewage water and in other countries their will be war over water


  16. 1
    Some things in this doucumentary really surprised me like finding out that only one percent of the worlds water is fresh and drinkable. I was very surprised when I found out that most bottled water companies use recycled water and I was surprised to find out that it could have bug parts in it or contain dangerous chemicals. I was very surprised to find out that companies that produce waste can dump some of there waste in water. I was surprised when I found out that the water that comes to your house can contain chemicals. I was surprised to finf out that in some countries you can only go to get water once a week.

    My prediction for the future is that people will not care about the water problem until there is barely any left and then people will have to start saving water. My suggestion for the future is that people should start saving water and not waste in on useless things or people will have to start drinking ground water or people will have to dtart drinking more recycled water and use it in your house more often.

  17. I know, in California, they've already resorted to using the ground water. This took millions of years to acquire, and it will be drained in our lifetime. And you're right Dalvir, it's horrendous that of our minuscule amount of drinking water, some companies continually pollute and destroy it, and that it's permitted by law.
